This was the theme of week one of Waiting Here For You - God works while we wait. It is a beautiful thought, isn't it? The God of this universe is at work - orchestrating something wonderful, beyond our imagination. I forget this. I am so easily distracted from the truth as I focus inward on myself and my own struggles.
Look up. God is working.
It is comforting and sets my heart at ease as I remember that while I wait God is literally moving heaven and earth to work out His perfect purpose for me and for this world. Not a moment is wasted. And most certainly not for a moment am I forgotten or left behind. There is nothing, no piece of bad news, no struggle, no hurt or loss that can change the course of His working.
"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, so that He might redeem those who were under the law and give them the adoption as sons of the Father." {Galatians 4:4&5}
This passage in particular stuck with me through out the week. That phrase, "when the fullness of time had come..." God never works on our timeline. He has His own plan. He isn't dragging His feet, He hasn't forgotten. He's working. While we wait, He works.
When the fullness of time had come all those Christmases ago, He gave the most perfect gift - Jesus Christ. Not a moment too early or a moment too late. After 400 years of silence God broke through the darkness, as a baby, as Emmanuel, as God with us, as our Savior. The wait was over, but not until just the right moment.
As I have prayed this week, asking God for those things I so desperately long for and even tire of waiting for I was reminded to add "but only when the fullness of time has come" because I know He is creating something magnificent. He is unfolding a plan that will be for His glory and for my good. And it will come at just the right time. It is what I so desperately want even when I don't fully understand.
And then...
as I remember that "Long lay the world in sin and error pining. Till HE appeared and the soul felt its worth. A THRILL OF HOPE, the weary world rejoices. For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees! O hear the angel voices. O night divine. O night when Christ was born." {O Holy Night}
It fills my heart with great hope to remember how God broke the silence with the birth of our Savior. It is reminder that He will come through in my waiting. He is working. And I am filled with hope remembering that when the fullness of time has come, all of these things I am waiting for will be clear to me. God will be glorified and I will fall on my knees.
[Please remember that these are my thoughts as I work through Louie Giglio's book Waiting Here For You. He began the thought there and as I read I reflected here. My hope is that you will be encouraged and I highly recommend you read the book for yourself. It can be purchased here: Waiting Here For You]
Tomato Soup
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016

aiting was the never ending story of my life. What I discovered as I refocused my heart on the true meaning of the Christmas season was that what my heart longed for wasn't a husband, it was Jesus. Suddenly my wait was about Jesus to come again, my whole focus had shifted. It was beautiful and one of the most wonderful memories of Christmas I have. Little did I know that less than a month later God would bring Kevin into my life. In a moment the waiting was over. I was in love and a year later on December 5, 2014 I was married. It is incredible how God works! How He can move so quietly and seemingly slow, yet in an instant, fast and furious, life is changed forever!
I am planning to read through Waiting Here for You as usual this Christmas season. Only this year I want to take the time to blog through out and share what the Lord is doing in my heart as I read. I know He will be stirring up something beautiful just as He always has. This year I am waiting again. Not for a husband but for a child. Kevin and I have been hoping and praying and trying for a baby for well over a year now. The summer brought difficult news about my own health and we have had to face the possibility we may never have our own children. We really don't know, only God does. We both still believe that God can do all things. He is Creator. He is Sovereign. Even this is not to big for Him.
All this to say, my heart is soft and tender, broken and ready to be molded into something more like Christ. God is using this wait just as He did my wait for Kevin to make me into something beautiful, someone who reflects His Son. It is incredible to me that this is what God does for His children, but He does it and it offers hope and gives meaning to my wait.
What I hope is that this advent season will be much like that first Christmas a few years ago, where my heart's focus was completely shifted. My eyes turned heavenward and my longings and desires realigned with God's own desires. It really was a Christmas miracle that year. I need the same this year, to be refocused and renewed. I cannot know if or when our wait for a baby will end, but I do know that this season of waiting cannot be wasted.
Friday, November 11, 2016
My Veteran
One of my favorite things about my husband is the strength of his character. Those who know him know him to be a good, honest, moral, caring, wise, godly man. He decided from a young age that he would be a follower of Christ and he has not wavered in his conviction since. This amazes me, because so many of us (including myself) have our moments of weakness and failure and some turn from the Lord for a season or even entirely.
Not so with my husband and this is one of his greatest gifts to me.
Possibly one of the most significant tests of his character and faith were the years he served our country in the Army. While deployed in Iraq he experienced some significant persecution for his faith. He was tested in ways I've never been. Tempted by his fellow soldiers to sin in some big and small ways, tempted to somehow abandon his beliefs as a Christian.
He never did.
This photo represents to me not only my husband's sacrifices in serving his country, but also the goodness of the Lord in empowering him to withstand the against the schemes of the devil. It represents all that I love about him - who he is as a man, as a soldier, as a husband, and as a Christian.
This Veteran's Day I am thankful for all who have served and are serving our country. Today and every day I am especially thankful for my husband. Who served with his whole heart and for the love of his country. Who returned home having been changed forever by his experiences, but resolved not to allow his experiences to change his love for the Lord.
Thank you, Kevin, for fighting the good fight, for standing firm not only in the US Army, but also in the Lord's army! I am so proud to be your wife!
US Army,
Veterans Day
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