I did...all the time actually.
I remember as a little girl begging my dad to let my sister and I build a wall through the middle of our bedroom so we each could have our own room. I shared a room with my sister from the moment she was born until I moved out in my 20's. Don't get me wrong, I loved being with my sister. We were, and still are, best pals. But I had had enough of her sleep talking, occasional sleep walking, her "little sister" ways and, let's be honest, her mess. We both felt we would benefit from having our own space. So we devised an excellent plan to solve the problem - a wall. Not just a partition but an ACTUAL wall built, drywall and all, through the center of our room. And we were dead serious about this...at least I was! We drew plans on some graph paper and with our color pencils showed where the wall should go. We debated were the door should be and who would get the side with 2 windows (which of course was me. I am, after all, the oldest and bossy like that...duh!). After carefully considering our decisions on furniture placement, deciding who would be hired to BUILD the wall, and rehearsing in our minds how to present our request, we took our design to Dad.
I don't really remember what happened after all of this, but I can tell you - a wall was NEVER built in the center of my bedroom. Knowing my dad, he patiently listened to our plan and thoughtfully gazed at our well drawn "design." He likely smiled, but I'm sure he kept the laughter to himself. In the end he said "no" to our request, but that didn't keep me for adjusting my dream of my own room to his desires for how his little girls would dwell in the house he worked hard to provide.
Eventually, my sister and I devised a plan that involved using our bunk beds as a "partition" of sorts - one side being mine and the other my sisters. To this plan my amazing dad said "yes." It wasn't what I originally asked for and certainly not what I thought I wanted in the beginning, but I was pretty excited about having my own space. The furniture was moved. I got the side with two windows and she got the side with the door. And knowing myself, I probably made her "knock" before coming over to my "side" of the room.
Writing this has me feeling so blessed to have the dad I have - he is an amazing earthly reflection of my Heavenly Father!
You see, I have this request, this thing I desperately want. It isn't a "bad" thing it is just an "extra" - something that would make me happy. Not just a little happy but a big kind of happy - an overflowing, crying cuz I'm happy, happy. Honestly, I don't know if it is what is "best" for me. I think it is a good thing, but I remain unsure of how God feels about it. My lack of clarity on what the Lord desires in this situation leaves me feeling lost.
Last night I engaged in conversation with my Heavenly Father over it. And you know what He said?
He said "Ask Me."
Really, I can just ask You?
I don't know why, but I often feel like I shouldn't ask God for things unless I know it is His will. I don't want to beg for something ridiculous like a wall through the middle of my bedroom. I'm an adult, I can ask for rational things now.
Have you ever prayed like this? "If it's Your will, if I dare ask, if You are okay with it...um, would you maybe, just consider, possibly, I don't know....only if YOU want to...but I'd maybe like it if, um...could You..._____, of course only if You really wanted to do this." I feel like this is a theme in my recent petitions regarding this dream I have. I become so focused on having the right "motive," praying in "God's will," and avoiding "begging" that in the end I never have the courage to actually make my request known to Him.
For whatever stupid reason I don't allow myself to ask God for those "walls through my bedroom," those little girl dreams. I'm a big girl now, so I ask Him for big girl things. Like wisdom for the day, patience with the current pace of life, comfort for my hurting friends, and so on. I shy away from expressing to Him what is truly on my heart - in case it might be in some way too "out there" for God. But He already knows what is on my heart and He is fully aware of how deeply I want that little girl dream and I think He longs to hear me ask HIM to fulfill my dreams.
I am His child and He is my Daddy.
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!"
Matthew 7:7-11
Oh how happy it made me to ask Him. To pour out my heart's desire, to take my graph paper and colored pencils and show Him exactly how I thought it should go. It thrilled me to crawl into His lap and ask like a little girl for my little girl dream. And somehow, in asking, I was also surrendering...opening my heart to hear His answer, to receive His direction.
How freeing it is to ask as His child, knowing that He will answer as my Father - only allowing what is within His perfect will for me. Only giving me what is absolutely the best. My dad knew the wall through the middle of my bedroom was extreme, but he didn't scold me for dreaming, he did what was best. He may have said "no" but his response helped me to adjust my dreams to fit his plans for me.
"Prayer is not simply getting things from God - that is only the most elementary kind of prayer. Prayer is coming into perfect fellowship and oneness with God."
Oswald Chambers
My asking is less about getting what I want and more about coming into "perfect fellowship and oneness with God!" I ask for my little girl dream so that He can reveal HIMSELF to me. I ask so that I might understand Him and His will, even if His answer is "no."
So just like my dad said "no" to the wall through the bedroom, my Heavenly Father may say the same of this little girl dream. And just as my dad sent me away to adjust my dreams to his desires for me, my Heavenly Father does the same. By taking my requests to Him through prayer He helps me to align my dreams to His. I give Him my little girl dreams and He returns them as God sized dreams.
This asking is just one part of the process of discerning His direction for me.
He has greater things in store than we can even imagine...if we would just ask.