50 Reasons Tuesdays are the best...

- Fruit Roll Ups for snack! Forget stale animal crackers, we know how to get snack DONE!
- The way Sara likes to pretend to be a cat - she's crazy good at this and manages to stay in character for most of the night.
- "Miss Tiffany, here is a snack for you" (child presents a plate full of plastic food)
- Isaiah in his Packer hat
- Me to student: "What did you name your new dog?"
Student to me: "Tiffany...hahahahaha"
Me to student: "Oh really?"
Student to me: "No, I'm just fooling you!"
- Averi (who only speaks to say "I have to go to the bathroom") volunteers to pray: "Jesus, thank you for my mom and my dad and this snack. Amen." melts.my.heart!
- "Can I sit by you?"
- "Teacher Tiffany, I think I love you!"
- After the WHOLE class declares Jesus is their favorite super hero, Isaiah answers nervously: "Super Man is my favorite super hero!" Thanks for being honest, Isaiah, I think Jesus understands!
- "Miss Tiffany, please stop singing!"
- Ryan's face when I say something RIDICULOUS! Now I just make stuff up to see his eyes open wide!
- Teacher Krista
- "Hold my hand?"
- "Careful Teacher Tiffany, that spot right there is hot lava!"
- All those smiling faces when I stand up to teach
- Follow the leader lion style
- Worshiping Jesus with a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds!
- Overheard after a lesson on trusting God when we are afraid: "Teacher, I'm afraid of the dark...but not anymore because I trust God!" be.still.my.heart!
- The way Ryan sits "criss-cross-applesauce" with his hands folded in his lap. You have to be there to see - the level of cuteness is OFF THE CHARTS!
- "Can I have some more water? More water, please. Water?" You'd think these kids spent the night in the desert!
- That moment when you realize the stickers are on wrong on the Evangecube and it isn't because you were home schooled you can't figure out how the heck the thing works. Can we bring the wordless book back, please?!?
- When one kids legitimately asks for prayer because his dad is sick and suddenly all the kids have sick dads.
- Jesus, You're my super hero....
- That moment when you realize you probably shouldn't have allowed both of them to sit on your lap...legs breaking...
- Noah's laugh
- "Teacher Tiffany, my tummy feels funny" Exterior remains calm and collected....inside I'm terrified he'll actually throw up!
- Occasionally celebrities like Woody come to Clubhouse...

- That feeling when a kid is sitting in your lap and it suddenly feels warm...and then you realize you are just being overly paranoid and it's only warm in the room...
- Sophie points to Ryan - "He's not my brother" (he's her cousin but it's hilarious how upset she gets when people think he's her brother!)
- Parent whispers to child: "Tell Miss Tiffany Happy Valentine's Day" Child turns and exclaims: "HAPPY NEW YEAR MISS TIFFANY!!" I'm.in.love.
- Pajama Night!
- "No dad, go get other kids. I want to stay"
- Conversations with Claire (5 going on 18!)
- Teaching a lesson on Luke 17:11-19 and realizing I needed to hear it more than they did.
- The look in Sammy's eyes when I tell him he's makes me happy.
- Those kids are so much shorter than you, so they tap your leg not your shoulder to get your attention..."Teacher, Teacher..." pat, pat...only in preschool.
- How excited those kids get over crazy things like...BALLOONS!
- Sticky fingers and messy faces after ICE CREAM!
- "I just earned 29 15 45 100 points!" Dude! That's a big number!
- Asking 3 kids to help pull you off the floor after sitting for a lesson. What they don't know is you REALLY can't get up off the floor.
- "Teacher, How old ARE you?"
- Completely exhausted, tired of driving in snow storms, and wondering why I'm not at home in my pajamas...then this guy shows up...Spiderman, you're my hero!

1 comment:
So awesome. As you said, you get to be what you were made for on Tuesdays. In God's economy of time and soverign purpose, you are doing exactly what He wants you to do when He wants you to do it. He wants you to minister elsewhere the rest of the week. God bless you for being the awesomeness that you are.
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