Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Good Life

There is something beautiful about these early summer Saturday evenings. We've worked hard all day, and I mean hard. I'm dirty, my back and hands hurt, I've proven myself stronger than I ever thought I was. I've worked, we've worked, together. There is something so satisfying about it all. I love that he has made me a hard worker.

The evening comes and the sun begins to set and pour in the windows, filling the house with light. It's different from the morning light, but beautiful all the same. The windows are open and the cool evening air fills the house. I can hear the birds singing while they hurry to get there dinner before the sun is gone. The cows come out to the back pasture and graze. The caves run and play. They look so happy to be free to jump and explore.

We'll have dinner while the sun sets and talk and laugh and rest.

Life feels settled, happy and full.

I'll take a million more of these days, please.

This has got to be the good life.

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