Friday, February 18, 2011

I never really thought it would be possible to have a career that brings me this much pleasure. I love every aspect of teaching - even on those long hard days. Staying late at school doesn't seem all that horrible when it means I am learning and growing as an educator. Now, over a month into student teaching, I know my students. I know who struggles with reading and who won't be able to keep up with the rest of the class during math. Knowing these things doesn't make teaching them any easier, but at least I recognize their needs. I'm amazed at how much I have changed in just a short period of time. Oh how I long for the day when teaching is second nature, but for now it requires so much more thought and preparation!

This week was an excellent one! In spite of the fact that I began it with a rash covering every inch of my body and who knows if I actually passed my APT test or not. The point is, I taught for almost the entire day and I lived to tell about it. Even better, the kids lived to tell about it. I still have so much to learn and so far to go when it comes to instruction. Sometimes I get frustrated with myself over how difficult it can be for me to explain things to my first graders. I am told, all of this comes with practice.

I also discovered this week what a truly horrible thing divorce is. Oh how I hate it and the way it hurts my sweet little first graders. There are several students in my classroom who's parents are going through a divorce right now and boy oh boy is it impacting their emotions, ability to work at school, and their overall well being. If only parents would realize what they are doing to their sweet children when they decide they can't put up with each other any more. I had one student tell me today that he lives with his dad every other weekend because his "mom and dad couldn't stop fighting and dad kept getting arrested, so they had to get divorced." WHAT!?! Completely breaks my heart. I hope that for even just a moment my student felt the love of Jesus through me at some point in this week. Especially for my students who's lives seem so much more complicated than they should be for a little 6 year old child!

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