Monday, October 18, 2010

Student Teaching/Observation Day One

I never realized Third graders could be so very quiet! I am observing at Round Lake Village Elementary school and the third grade class I visited today was so very quiet. I really couldn't believe that kids that young could work so diligently on their own!

I can't say that I did much teaching today as I was working on getting settled into the routine of the class and the school. I did find out when I will be teaching - just a few days away on FRIDAY! I am feeling very excited and very nervous all at one time. I can't believe my very first lesson taught in a school will be a math lesson! I am thrilled that I am finally to this point in my education! I couldn't help but feel excited today as I watch the third graders working on their worksheets and assignments.

Tomorrow is a whole new day and I feel excited about the opportunity to take on more responsibility. The teacher's schedule will make today the last day I have with the class before I teach them on Friday morning, so I need to make the most of the time that I do have with them!

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