Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What a difference a day makes! I wouldn't have thought it was possible to have more fun than yesterday, but I did! Today I actually got up in front of the class a few times and went over a few worksheets with the kids. It was a blast - for me at least. The students are beginning to warm up to me and many of them are beginning to call me Miss Kinkade. It seems a little odd to be called that.

I was also able to do a lot of grading today - that can be a long process! I supposed I have many evenings ahead of me that will be filled with paper grading. I found the process interesting, though, because it offered me an opportunity to see how the class is doing academically. I was surprised at how many students struggled on their vocabulary worksheets and even their math worksheets. The process began to help me understand how it is possible for a teacher to recognize what areas she needs to go back and review and what areas the students are mastering. I always wondered how I would know, as a teacher, when my class needed to spend more time on a concept and when I would need to reteach. I am beginning to see how these things become obvious to the teacher as homework and tests are handed in and graded.

Overall it was a very exciting day! This class seems to be so bright and well behaved - I am so impressed with them and I am so enjoying getting to know them better. Tomorrow I will be in a different Third Grade classroom, and I think I will miss having more time to get to know these students!

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