Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Take Heart

Never underestimate God's ability to use your own hurt to comfort another. Embrace the opportunities He gives you to love and comfort those who are hurting. Be fearless in your willingness to feel your own pain in order to comfort those around you. Be bold in admitting what things are difficult for you - your courage may inspire another person to do the same. Believe on those nights you cry yourself to sleep, you feel too weak to carrying on, and you can't find purpose in your circumstances that HE IS "preparing for [you] and eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." Hold fast and when you can no longer hold on - He will hold fast for you. Allow yourself to be real and accept when things are too much for you. It is at that moment - when you have finally surrendered - that the Almighty will rush in and be all that you need. Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself, and Jesus has provided you with all that you need today. Remember that all pain, however great or small, is pain all the same. Don't allow guilt to creep in and make you feel you are weak because "it could be worse" or "you should be over it." Jesus never classified pain nor gave a timeline for it. Pain is pain, don't apologize for hurting. Take heart, there is purpose even in this dark place, for it is all a part of His grand story and the story ends with Him in eternity. Until that time, never underestimate God's ability to use your own hurt. He works all things for His glory - give Him the glory even in this!

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